I heard somewhere years ago, that if you keep shaving all the time then the more fuller your facial hair grows in. Or is that something that as little kids we told each other, especially to our nemesis, Spidey. I don't know. But I recall as young, mischievous, always looking for action, boys growing up on our Rez we all decided it would be in our best interest to start shaving at an early age. We didn't realize that a Nish man couldn't grow a beard if his life counted on it. So off we went to the store 'UP Front' one day to get some razors and shaving cream. We wanted to try something different for a change. Our usual routine consisted of throwing small crab apples at all the old people who rented cottages along the water front and stayed there throughout the summer. Anyways, the only money we had was to buy us each a pop - as a diversion, so that Spidey could crawl into action. Crawl he did. We bought the pop and he stole 4 razors and 2 cans of shaving cream. The only razors back there were those steel blade ones you pop into the top and used both sides. We seen it on TV before, easy as pie. To make a long story short all four of us guys started our career off shaving and ended it the same day. I don't know about the other guys but I had at least 6to 8 nics on my cheeks and neck with blood to prove it. So we ditched the evidence and made our way to the beach. Only to be stopped by the local cop to be questioned about stolen razors. We lied! The only thing that gave us away, besides the brightly coloured pieces of green leaves from a walnut tree dotting our faces, was Spidey. You see he had a reputation for breaking down when things got tight. The cop looked at him, didn't even say a word and Spidey broke out into his usual high pitched voice of a cry. BUSTED!
I have been sporting the goatee look at home, on my days off of work, for probably 5 weeks now just to see how it would look. To be quite honest, I went back to my childhood rumor that if I shaved enough, maybe just maybe, I would have a decent looking crop of facial hair to wear on a daily basis. Yes, I wanted to try something different. Why, you ask? I don't really know. Maybe with age I want to try and look more distinguished. I just laughed out loud as I typed that line. I guess trying something different for me lets me expand my bubble of self confidence. It lets me see how I react if someone is really brazen enough to say, 'Hey Jake, that looks crazy.' That's ok. I'm a big enough boy to take constructive criticism that are more or less taunts at my manhood. You know what, I really think my wife thinks it looks sexy!!! How do I know you wonder? Well I shaved it off one day and I think she pouted when she asked why I shaved. Oh yeah!
Who knows maybe I will start to shave my chest. Umm on second thought I have no chest hair to shave. Not even peach fuzz!
I want to challenge you today. Do something different. You know that thing that you have been wanting to do for a long time now but have not had the courage to try. For one reason or another you hold back due to peer pressure or the lack of self confidence. Trust me if you do it you will not regret it. You can reap a lot of unforeseen benefits. For example, I can now scratch the hair on my chin when thinking of something, and people gaze at me thinking, 'Wow he is so wise!' That is until I open my mouth to give an answer. Here is another one, I can actually feel the breeze, when it is strong enough, move the hairs on my chin. It is quite exhilarating. I now know now Data felt on Star Trek: First Contact when the Queen Borg blew on a patch of skin that she implanted on his cybernetic arm. He felt something for the very first time. He even got goose bumps. It was his EUREKA moment, as well as mine.
Go ahead do something different. I'm sure you will enjoy it. Be a rebel.
BaamaapiiSee don't I look distinguished when I am thinking of something to say!