Us guys think more like a waffles - there is a actually a book that has the same title of this excerpt. We tend to compartmentalize things we see and think about. Women tend to be all over the map when it comes to , well seeing and thinking about things.
Let me give you a few examples.
I can be sitting outside enjoying the sun, rain or whatever it is. Just sitting. Relaxing. Enjoying the moment. My wife, Martina can be sitting next to me looking at me and asks, "What are you thinking about?"
My response - ok guys all together - "Nothing!"
Her: What do you mean nothing?!! Why don't you want to tell me what you are think about?? Irritated look.
Me: because I WAS enjoying sitting here really thinking about nothing.
She cannot possibly perceive that I can sit outside and not be thinking of anything. To top it off she gets mad! Guys do I hear an AMEN!!
She will sit there next to me and be thinking of washing the towels, planning a party, creating a shopping list, wonder what to make for supper - next week, what bedroom to clean first, what colour linen to put on the bed and what items she forget at her recent trip to Wal-Mart. While she enjoys sitting outside.
She will sit there next to me and be thinking of washing the towels, planning a party, creating a shopping list, wonder what to make for supper - next week, what bedroom to clean first, what colour linen to put on the bed and what items she forget at her recent trip to Wal-Mart. While she enjoys sitting outside.
Another example. Same scenario. I'm outside sitting there enjoying the scenery. We are having a conversation about our holidays. Suddenly, she veers off and starts talking about kenneling the dogs, making sure the grass is cut and asking if the tires on our camper needs to be replaced with new ones and making sure we have enough hot dog sticks. Oh, we are planning for next year. I was lost at kenneling the dogs. I think like a waffle. One little honey comb or compartment at a time. She thinks like a plate of spaghetti. Lots of things all at once. If you ever listen in on a conversation between a group of women at Tim Horton's you will see this come into play. They can talk of 6 different things at one time and be able to flow.
Anyways, we were in Costco today and we stopped at a display of bed linen and comforter packages. There was this couple that had stopped at the same time. We both assumed the position while waiting for the ladies to finish browsing- forearms resting on hand rail of the shopping cart and legs crossed. We did the ole head shake; the how are you nod. His wife after literally tearing up the huge piles of bed packages - quite amusing actually - panting turned to him and asked. "What colour?" His response........"Doesn't matter to me" She gave him 'the look.' I burst out laughing cause I was thinking the same thing. He looked at me grinning and said, "Well it doesn't ." My response was, "Same here!" My wife was already irritated with me for laughing at that because she was going to ask me the same question. I guess it is safer to choose a color, even if it is the wrong one. If I were given the choice of two colours his wife gave him, I wold of chosen a completely different one.
Hey, at least I would of been engaging and not giving the typical male response of, 'Doesn't matter to me.'
Hey, at least I would of been engaging and not giving the typical male response of, 'Doesn't matter to me.'
Guys think alike.
Oh, I still wonder why I have to be thinking of things when I want to sit and just enjoy my surroundings
Oh, I still wonder why I have to be thinking of things when I want to sit and just enjoy my surroundings
Anyways, take care