Saturday, 9 March 2013

Let The Drama Begin

Bkejwanong (Walpole Island) First Nation nestled on the southern end of the St. Clair River - my beautiful home and Native land - recently accepted $28 million land claim settlement offer from the Canadian government.

A quick history lesson on why: On Aug. 18, 1843, the Principle Chief of Chenail Ecarte (Walpole Island First Nation) signed a treaty surrendering the Lower Indian Reserve to the Crown. It was to be sold for the benefit of the First Nation. The parcel of land was surrendered by the leaders of the day, because it didn't have any sugar bushes, little or no value for hunting, and was surrounded by white inhabitants.  Well the Crown was supposed to represent  the best interest  of Walpole Island in selling the land. They didn't - in fact the land was 'disposed of' well under fair market value.  As a result a claim was submitted to the Federal Government in 1988. Fast forward to 2012  a settlement was reached for the amount of $28 million

 Bkejwanong FN had a vote in Aug 2012 to accept the offer and fell 4 votes short of accepting the deal. Then again in January 2013 another vote was given and there was an overwhelming majority vote in favour of accepting it. Now,this is where the drama begins! As I venture into this portion of my blog I know beyond a shadow of a  doubt that I will get a lot of hate mail- from my own community. In the words of a UFC  announcer "SO HERE WE GO!"

Since the ratification vote there has been a lot of speculation and opinions -strong ones at that - from many Band Members as to how 'our money' should be spent. Hands down, the Chief and Council (C&C)have said that the first priority is an allotment/distribution per band member.Therefore, each of will be getting a nice 'gift.'  Drama unfolds as many people voice their concern that the 'gift' should be more.  C&C stated early on that they will have a Board of Trustees. The acceptance of the settlement through the voting process was  also a green light for the go ahead to appoint a Board of Trustess- names nominated by and voted on by band members - to be given the authority to wisely oversee the use of these monies.  A GREAT IDEA.  Again drama, as members are voicing their concern over this as they all seem to want to voice their opinion on how the monies should be used.  Drama continues as discussions come under the guise of concerns for our elderly population, our youth and future generations. All focused around the settlement offer. A valid point and worthwhile to discus but don't you think C&C are already looking at this.

Here is my outlook on all this.  First: Those of you who are not happy with the distribution number  C&C agreed upon recently. And those thinking there should be a vote between three (3) distribution numbers  I say be happy with what we are getting because it is a lot more that what was agreed upon in early 2012 .  Secondly: Those who are so concerned about the idea of a Board of Trustees overseeing $28 million.  Do something to  get involved. Hmm I wonder how? OH! I know,  ask a friend or family member to nominate you. If they don't want to for some odd reason then see if you can pay off someone who will.  If that doesn't happen for some strange and surprising reason then support those who will be voted in. I am absolutely sure you are not fit to be trusted to deal with millions of dollars that need to be handled with fear and trembling. Those who are voted in as a trustee I admire you for your bravery, your love for our community and your commitment. Oh yeah, watch your 'six'.  Thirdly: Those who discuss the issue of the elderly, the youth and  future generations. If you are truly concerned about these issues and want them taken care of be the first to do something POSITIVE  about it. For example :'donate' your share  of the distribution to be used specifically for these purposes.  If you cannot do this  then I advise you to carefully choose how you want this issue to be addressed.  Oh, one more thing stop your bickering immediately.

I have no doubt that each of these issues are indeed valid to those who voice them particularly the third. However, the way the presentation of members concerns have come to light amid the finger pointing towards our C&C about not doing their job etc. only begins to shed light on ones true nature and intent. What is that? I hate to say it but the issue is GREED. Greed has no racial preference. It has no preference to social status.  Greed has no set target such as money. It can be power as well.  It has no concern or cares about the welfare of those it affects. In fact greed wants to destroy not build, It wants to separate not unite.  Its main issue is to tear apart that what needs to be united.  When and if we as a people can ever overcome this issue our community will be in a much better place.

This settlement money can be a blessing to our community. It should be a blessing and needs to be.  Drama will always pop its head up - but we the members of Bkejwanong can be better and must be better. There are hundreds of thousands of people around our community that are looking at us. Looking at how our community as a whole will respond and deal with this 'new found wealth.'  I am sure there are as much that want to see us fail as there are those who want us to succeed and move forward.  So what will we show them?

Let the Drama begin: as something positive

Until next time,



1 comment:

  1. Totally love your blog today cuz!!! Well written and from your heart.
